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How Did We Get Here?

Writer's picture: Skin of LoveSkin of Love

Updated: Aug 10, 2020

I recently met totally by chance two brothers (Twins, Non-Identical), with who I have had the pleasure growing up with on Gilbey Road and attending the same school together from infants to secondary school during the 1970's and 1980's. Incidentally it was on the very road outside their sadly deceased parents home that we met as my son and myself walked homewards using the short cuts I have used most of my life in the locality. They are termed as white, I am termed as black. We played on the same streets, the same parks, had our disagreements and stood aside each other if faced with any scenarios that street life brought to us. Our parents always had chats and discussions and this was the mode of the entire street. It was one of many streets in Tooting that refelected the global village. I grew up amongst many people of different religous faiths, nationality of origin, colour, class and so on. We all got on. We didn't live in each others houses or pockets but we got on. Perhaps I viewed the world through naive youthful eyes but today as an adult it at this moment seems very confused and at times very unnecessarily divided.

Progressive Progress on this planet amongst its hardly indisguishable peoples across our spaceship Earth, who have become kind of confused and dazed with falsehoods, constructed divisions, the idea of races being one of them, is work in progress. It is sometimes harmonious and sadly sometimes not. But if we can step away from our various vaults of miseducations and festering caldrons of predjudices, we should be able to create a far more harmonious and synergistic world than as of the Ninth of August Twenty Twenty.

Growing up in Tooting from 1969 at the age of four, until my early thirties, I know has provided me with an added advantage for existence on Planet Earth, especially in these hyper speed information times of fake news, financial spikes and troughs contrived or by sheer coincidence, covid something or other, statues being brought to the ground, mass protest movements being mis-directed by hidden hand financiers, social distancing, supposedly intelligent men with solutions to problems long before they exist, etc, etc, etc.

Over population believers vs leave it aloners crunch over whether our Earth can sustain itself with even more of us. Humans are funny bunch. They have a dispensation to groupings and these groupings have an flexible inflexibility that often leads to conflicts and all manner of tribulations that could for the greater part not even being entered into. Humans love to be individuals but equally can be so insular and clannish and so the confusion rolls and rolls.

A Pale Blue Dot-ter such as myself observes and sees a few simples that are usually considered deeply complex. The phrase 'Pale Blue Dot', are the words of a man named Carl Sagan, who was an astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, and science communicator. I first came across him when I became entralled with his tv program, 'Cosmos', which presented the ideas and theories of space, the Universe, the Solar System and our planet Earth. The term was inspired by a satalite image that showed the Earth as looking like a pale blue dot in the vast infinity of space. He spoke of this an described the sereness of the image and furthers his thoughts as his description projects the nearing to Earth and the serene image giving away to descriptions of life and history on our planet.

Well, empires and cultures rise and empires and cultures fall with all leaving obvious and not so obvious remnants that are often forgotten and worst still ignored and/or distorted but usually assimilated into other empires and cultures with scant knowledge or regard for the origins of such remnants, etc. Metamorphosis rather than evolution.

Anyway, the poster at the top of the page sums it up kind of sweet and nice.

It is fascinating observing the responses actions and reactions to such a thing we post on social media and sits near center on our shop window.

One gentleman walked way remarking to his associates that we were saying that 'we're racists', meaning that I siting in the shop behind the counter observing him considered him and his associates are racists. I think it is so clear as to what we are saying. What is interpreted by the viewer/reader of the poster is within their mind and hence is a revelation of themself.

As for the mind that created the poster, it grew up in Tooting from 1969 at the age of four, until its early thirties, I know this has provided me with an added advantage for existence on Planet Earth, especially in these hyper speed information times of fake news, financial spikes and troughs, covid something or other, statues being brought to the ground, mass protest movements being mis-directed by hidden hand financiers, social distancing, supposedly intelligent men with solutions to problems long before they exist, etc, etc, etc.

I grew up in a multi-racial (as we incorrectly express it), multi-national, multi-religous, multi-cultural town where everyone just got on with life, living, raising families, living the single life, etc, etc, etc. My parents came to this town as a part of a journey from an island in the Caribbean Sea.

My advantage?

I know that there is only one race. It is called the Human Race. What happens from that point of fact, when not acknowledging and recognising that simple point, fact of TRUTH are negatives that all amount to confusion and time wasting.

Time to get on with creating, making and selling products for that one race.

By: A.C.R: (Dated:09/08/2020)

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